
Elise’s Story: Cheated, Cuffed, Detained
At Project X, we rarely see happy endings. Many cases brought to our attention feature injustice and abuse against the

Regional Training on Using CEDAW to Advance the Rights of Sex Workers
The Regional Training on Using CEDAW to Advance the Rights of Sex Workers, jointly organised by the Asia Pacific Network

Volunteer Spotlight: Male Sex Worker Correspondent – Dion Chan
Project X has been around for 10 years, and our effectiveness has been based on various factors. Most of what

Volunteer Spotlight: Vietnamese Case Worker – Small Mai
Project X has been around for 10 years, and our effectiveness has been based on various factors. Most of what

Project X Submits Recommendations to the Penal Code Review
The Government announced in 2016 that it had intentions to undertake substantive reform of our criminal laws, to ensure that

Sherry goes to Cambodia!
The Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) exists to uphold the voice of sex workers globally and connect regional

Human Rights Defenders Program 2017!
2017 saw the launch of our Human Rights Defender Program (HRDP), aimed at empowering sex workers through equipping them with
Sending sexy pictures to your client or partner? Read this first!
Hi, I’m Ellie, a sex worker by night, and a cybersecurity worker in the day. These days, there’s an increasing

Memoirs of a Singaporean Cam Girl
My name is Charlotte, I am in my early twenties this year, and I have previously worked as a sex

I love decriminalisation, and here’s why.
In Singapore, certain aspects of sex work remain in the grey area, leaving those in the industry vulnerable to exploitation

Film Review: GEYLANG by Boi Kwong
Trigger Warning: Violence, R*pe GEYLANG is a Singaporean film, produced and directed by Boi Kwong. The film features

Transgender Day of Visibilility 2023 Feature: “I want people to see me not only from my outlook, but also my inner beauty.” – Farainna
This 31st March, the world commemorates Transgender Day of Visibility. While Transgender Day of Remembrance honours the memory of transgender

Doing the work: How can the sexual liberation movement be an ally to sex workers?
The rise of femme-centered ‘wellness’ brands coupled with the changing attitudes of

International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers Day 2022 Special: Organisational Statement
To condone violence against sex workers undermines the principle of rule of

“Whatever that I’m doing now, who am I now, when I’m no longer [around], I wish to be accepted [in the eyes of God] and I will go away peacefully.” Alisha’s Journey of Authenticity, Self-Determination and Self-Acceptance.
Trigger Warning: Substance use Too often, we only give flowers to