
Increasing Access to Justice for Sex Workers: 2015 Report
In 2014, Project X started an Abuser Alert Program, a scheme that enables sex workers to firstly report crimes against
June 20, 2016

LGBTQ Policy Journal
At the turn of the year, Project X was contacted by the Harvard Kennedy School to contribute an article for
June 9, 2016

On Rights, Wrongs, and the In-Betweens
As part of a project on diversity and inclusivity, a group of friends and I decided to interview Project X
June 9, 2016

A Geylang Sex Worker’s Take on the Alcohol Ban
There is a “disproportionate number of law and order and incidents” in
March 26, 2015

Sex Workers of ASEAN Demand Recognition and Equal Rights
Over the weekend of 21st to 23rd March 2014, sex workers from
February 25, 2015
February 25, 2015

Response to “More being done to fight human trafficking” (The Sunday Times, 30 June 2013)
I refer to the article “More being done to fight human trafficking”
August 15, 2014