Response to “More being done to fight human trafficking” (The Sunday Times, 30 June 2013)

I refer to the article “More being done to fight human trafficking” (The Sunday Times, June 30 2013) by Hoe Pei Shan. I wish to highlight that the way the Inter-Agency Taskforce on Trafficking in Persons (TIP) portrays human trafficking is highly problematic and very misleading. The writer reports after an interview with the […]
Open Letter to Channel News Asia and Straits Times for Transphobia
Straits Times, 17 May 2013, “Loanshark runner spared caning because of sex change” [] Channel News Asia, 17 May 2013, “Transsexual avoids caning for being loanshark runner” [] Dear Sir/ Mdm, We are a group of individuals who are transgender persons, allies of transgender persons, and cisgender persons who work with transgender persons. We refer to […]