When I was offered to curate a Twitter account – HellofrmSG, I knew that it will be an awesome experience and another platform for me to further share my experiences, to advocate and educate on transgender women doing sex work. HellofrmSG has more than four thousands of followers. This was my first time curating a Twitter account and I didn’t set my expectation too high but aim to welcome more ally for sex workers.
Not knowing what to expect, I planned a list of things to talk about for the duration of a week that I’m curating. I shared to the followers about being a Muslim transgender doing sex work, sex tips and also the flavors and textured condoms Project X provides. These three topics attracted the followers and welcomed mentions and retweets. While some are in shock, most of them praised my courage to openly tweet about it.

With the questions asked and respond given, it encouraged more followers to asked and also interact in the thread of tweets when I mentioned about flavored condoms. It intrigued them that they are flavor condoms such as strawberry, blueberry, and mango. Not to forget the textured ones. And these condoms were manufactured by a local company – OK Condoms. From sharing these, I learned that it made people talk openly about the importance of safe sex and these were the goals that I set and am satisfied.

My goal and priority were too exposed Project X to the followers by informing them our mission and vision. But few days in it, I realized that sharing personal experiences, tips, and anecdote that caught their attention. Â If given the opportunity, I will like to meet these people in person to have a conversation and exchange thoughts on how safe sex, sex work, and transgender people concerns could be addressed as these are the topics that are still deemed taboo and avoided.
On my last day, I didn’t get to tweet much as I was handling an event. I left the curation by assuring them that we still can keep in touch with social media and thanked them for being attentive and open minded. A week of curating has driven me to not let any ignorance hinder my passion for advocating and educating.
Reading their replies really content me. To those who made it memorable, thank you!